For over a month, I have disappeared. Little outings, brief & far between. No church even. Still.
People ask. I have no words for them. I struggle to figure it out myself. I can't pinpoint it. All I say is - when I figure it out myself, I will let you know. That has to be enough for now.
I just can't give what I don't have. Faking it & fake smiles can only get me so far. I'm overwhelmed. Struggling for words - the least of my worries.
All I can think is it's a form of grief that needs to work itself out, as the second anniversary of Dad's passing & stuff is rapidly approaching. I brush over the words "and stuff" like it's nothing, still unable to put words to monumental moments of my life on this very public blog.
I hate that there are walls still around my wounded heart, guarding it from further injury. Right now, I'm more vulnerable than I have been in a long time, which makes me want to retreat to feel safe.
Even as I retreat, there's a closeness I crave. A comfort. A safe place to fall. There are things that I know to be true, but long for reassurance.
With time, this too shall pass.
For now, I forge on weathering the storm.

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