Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Love Transcends

Dear Mandy,

Today, would have been your 33rd birthday. It is very beautiful here. The sun is shining, the sky is oh-so-blue. If I didn't know any better, I'd think it was Spring, instead of the cold, rainy Fall we've been having.

I don't know what it is like in Heaven, but I can imagine a beauty that well surpasses the one here on earth. Knowing how important birthday celebrations were to you, I hope you're having a HUGE party with your loved ones up there to celebrate your first birthday in Heaven.

Thank you for all the butterflies you have been sending me. I know they are from you, bc what happens with them never happened before you died. And it's not like I go looking for them. They just show up & often times circle my head at the times when I miss you the most.

I miss you so much it literally hurts at times. I can't wait till we are together again one day, but I know my work is just not finished yet. So will you "Save a Place For Me"? And until then keep watch over all of us?

I find it amazing how your love is so strong it transcends time & place. I feel it all the time. I love you too.

Forever & Always,
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1 comment:

  1. Shannon, I had no idea. I am so sorry. How old was she when she passed. She is beautiful.
    My prayers are with you. (HUGS)


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