Saturday, August 29, 2009

The Secret

I often wonder how people do things. You know the people who seem to have it all together. I wish I knew their secret.

Believe it or not, I am not one of those people. Sure, there appears to be times when things are going great & life is just flowing along, but having it together? Now, that's a different story.

Don't get me wrong - life is good. It's just that there doesn't seem to be enough time in the day to get everything done that I need or want to get done.

I have this desire to get connected & stay connected. I am not sure who or what I want to connect to, but if I had to guess I think the answer would be to God & others around me. In that order.

While it very true that I always am connected, I don't always FEEL connected. Do you ever feel like that? It's as if I want to see the bigger picture, but can't.

And those people who have it all together... Well, I guess it is possible that they don't really have it all together. Maybe, just maybe - they are disconnected too.
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  1. I use to have it all together, I was organized, had a spotless house and the perfect life. Then I got sick 14 years ago
    and I couldn't do it all anymore. So now I
    am complete mess, my house, body, make-up and I don't even know what being organized is!

  2. I think you are right, we all are some what disconnected and connected all at the same time. I think the biggest thing we all need to be connected to is God1

  3. i've never had it all together, and that is just fine by me! maybe some day it will be important, nah i don't think so!!

  4. NO ONE has it all together. Just because they're always on time, have their hair just so, etc. doesn't mean they have it altogether. They could be falling apart on the inside. It could be because of health issues, family issues, or many other things. No one knows what another person goes through. They have just perfect the facade face.

    P.S. I've changed my URL. Here's the new link:

    Update your blog list on your sidebar and your follower's list so you won't miss any posts! Otherwise, you want be able to read.

    Madison(aka writing4612) from Making my Mark


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